10+ Refreshing Cucumber Salad Recipes You'll Love This Summer

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Refreshing Cucumber Salad Recipes You'll Love This Summer

Cucumbers – low in calories, high in water content, fiber, vitamins C and K, magnesium, potassium and rich in antioxidants are a quintessential summer fruit. From May to August, they are in season, providing a refreshing, non-overpowering flavor to both food and drinks. Let's embrace this summer staple with 10 easy-to-make cucumber recipes that are both delectable and nutritious:

1). Unveiling a Treasured Delight: The Basic Pickled Cucumber Salad

Go back to basics with cucumbers, onions, vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, salt, and pepper flakes. In just 15 minutes, you can whip up a refreshing salad.

Experience an array of emotions as you savor the timeless simplicity of a beloved tradition: our Basic Pickled Cucumber Salad. It’s a jovial voyage that transcends cultures and generations, a gentle nod to the vibrant Malay wedding heritage deeply instilled in each radiant mother preparing for her daughter's exceptional day.


  • 2 fresh, firm cucumbers, as lovely and green as the emerald Malay landscapes.
  • 1 small onion, its layers as intricate as our beloved traditions.
  • 1 cup of elegant white vinegar, echoing with generations of culinary wisdom.
  • 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, a precious testimony to life's sweet moments.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt, as fundamental as the binding vows of matrimony.
  • Optional for those daring hearts: chili flakes, spicing up our tale with a pinch of adventure.


Preparing Our Stars: Cleanse the cucumbers and onion with all the care of a mother preparing her daughter for her wedding day. Slice them with precision and respect for their individual roles in our delightful salad.

Crafting the Pickling Solution: In a pan as deep as your sentimentality, combine the vinegar, sugar, and salt. Heat this mixture until our sweet and salty components embrace each other completely, united in their purpose to elevate the humble cucumber.

Bestowing the Essence: Gently arrange your sliced cucumbers and onion into a jar, as one would assemble cherished memories in a family heirloom. Delicately pour your warm pickling solution into the jar, encouraging the flavors to dance amidst our key ingredients.

Witnessing the Transformation: The jar now needs to rest in the chilled embrace of a refrigerator for a minimum of two hours. Bide your time as the flavors get to know each other, their mingling as visually enchanting as the vivacious mingling of guests at a Malay wedding party.

Serving this Legacy: Once chilled, serve this delightful salad in an honored dish at your table. If your spirit is adventurous and fiery, sprinkle a handful of chili flakes to spark up the narrative.

Storage and Graceful Aging: Any remaining salad should be stored in the same chill embrace, ready to be relished within a week, a testament to the fleeting yet impactful moments of joy in our lives.


Emotion, nostalgia, and warmth—seemingly complex sentiments, yet beautifully simple in their essence, much like our Basic Pickled Cucumber Salad. We invite you to journey through this recipe and fall in love with the tradition all over again.

Let your experiences, garnished richly with personal touches, make way onto our communal table, making our bond as the Neeqah community, stronger. Reach out to us for personal connections or visit our gallery to become an even more intrinsic part of us. We are just one heartfelt message away on Facebook.

2). Chicken Skewers with Spicy Cucumber Raita: A Symphony of Flavors and Emotions

An Indian-origin side dish, Raita, is a beautiful blend of yogurt with cucumber, spices, and herbs. A perfect pairing to grilled chicken skewers your next BBQ.

With the tenderness of a mother's love and the vibrant spirit of a Malay wedding, we present to you a symphony of flavors befitting a joyous celebration—Chicken Skewers adorned with Spicy Cucumber Raita. This marvel of culinary artistry is inspired by the heartwarming embrace of mothers preparing for their beloved daughter's wedding day. It is a union of poignant moments, a masterpiece that connects taste, memory, and passion.


Chicken Skewers

  • 1 ½ pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs, tender like a mother’s heart
  • 2 cloves of garlic, finely minced, as sharp in flavor as the words of wisdom passed down through generations
  • ½ cup soy sauce, as rich and deep as cherished family memories
  • 3 tablespoons honey, capturing the sweet allure of laughter shared between a mother and her daughter
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, a symbol of the finest nourishment we offer to our loved ones
  • Pinch of salt and pepper, modest accents to our tender creation
  • Skewers, like the support offered by a loving family

Spicy Cucumber Raita

  • 1 cup plain yogurt, a creamy canvas for a flavorful journey
  • 1 cup finely diced fresh cucumber, reminiscent of refreshing new beginnings
  • ½ cup finely chopped fresh cilantro, an aroma that tugs at the strings of our strongest emotions
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice, a bright spark of joy and lightness
  • 1 small jalapeño, finely chopped, to celebrate the spirited side of life
  • Salt and pepper, a delicate touch to enhance and balance the Raita symphony


Preparing the Chicken Skewers

In a tender gesture of appreciation, cut the chicken into bite-size pieces and place them in a bowl.

Create a harmonious melody of flavors by mixing the garlic, soy sauce, honey, and olive oil in a separate bowl. The whirl of the mixture bears witness to the intricate stories being woven into this culinary creation. Pour this enchanting concoction over the chicken pieces.

Gently massage the love-infused marinade onto the chicken, ensuring that each piece is coated with care. Allow the flavors to intertwine and become one by marinating for at least 2 hours, or a mother's well-earned rest after adorning her home for the wedding day.

Preheat your grill, oven, or stovetop grill pan. As the heat rises, it captures the anticipation and excitement of wedding preparations.

Thread the marinated chicken onto skewers, each one a symbol of the bonds shared by mothers and daughters. Cook the skewers, turning occasionally, until the chicken is beautifully golden and fully cooked, a testament to the warmth and care that has gone into its creation.

Crafting the Spicy Cucumber Raita

Whisk together the yogurt, cucumber, cilantro, lemon juice, and jalapeño in a bowl, like a chorus of voices united in song.

Add salt and a touch of pepper to taste, confirming the balance between the richness of family history and the spirit of fusion we cherish on the wedding day.

Bringing it all Together

Serve the tender, exquisite Chicken Skewers alongside a generous spoonful of Spicy Cucumber Raita. Watch how each component of this dish embraces the other, reflecting the love that binds two families who have come together to celebrate the union of a beautiful couple.

We invite you to share in the radiant joy of Chicken Skewers with Spicy Cucumber Raita, and weave this dish into the tapestry of your own family's story. Please feel free to reach out directly for a more personalized connection or visit the gallery in person. We are always delighted to receive your cherished messages on Facebook, as well.

3). An Exquisite Journey to Wellness: Keto-friendly Cream Cheese Cucumbers

Emulating the taste of a cream cheese bagel, this recipe with cucumber, cream cheese, and crumbled bacon is a keto-friendly, satisfying snack.

As radiant as a bride on her wedding day, as vibrant as the silk threads of her bridal attire, we invite you to immerse yourself in the nourishing melody of our Keto-friendly Cream Cheese Cucumbers. This culinary sonnet whispers the tales of Mother Nature's bounty while honoring our journey towards radiant health and radiant joy.


  • Crisp cucumbers, 3 medium-sized, their green gleaming like the precious emeralds adorning our bride.
  • Cream cheese, 8 oz, as smooth and rich as a heart filled with unconditional love.
  • Fresh dill, 1 tablespoon, its aroma carrying the whispers of traditional Malay gardens.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 tablespoon, a lively splash of tartness reminding us to embrace life's varied flavors.
  • Salt and pepper to taste, modest seasonings weaving cohesion into our lovely symphony.


Crafting the Cream Cheese Mixture

In a bowl that mirrors the depth of your passion for culinary creativity, place your cream cheese, exuding familial warmth.

Welcome the freshness of dill into this mix, followed by the tart energy of the lemon juice. Stir them gently, renewing the bond of their harmonious union.

Infuse the mixture with a touch of salt and pepper, their humble presence like the underlying tenderness of a mother-daughter bond.

Preparing the Cucumber Vessels

Bath and pat dry the cucumbers, akin to a nurturing pre-wedding ritual. Slice them carefully, appreciating their individual curves and contours, much like the unique journey each mother embarks on as she prepares for her daughter's wedding day.

Hollow the cucumber slices with tender precision, crafting tiny vessels for our nourishing blend. Attend to this task as patiently as you would to each intricate detail of the wedding preparations.

Merging Flavors and Emotions

Lovingly fill each cucumber vessel with the cream cheese mixture, witnessing the joyful unity of textures and flavors that is as heartfelt as the joining of two loving souls in matrimony.

Presentation is Key

Arrange your creation on a platter with all the elegance and charm of a bridal ensemble. Serve them in the joyous presence of your loved ones, encouraging the sharing of food and stories alike.

Our Keto-friendly Cream Cheese Cucumbers recipe, much like a stirring Malay lullaby, is a journey through traditions, emotions, and the rich tapestry of life. We believe that every dish you create adds another vibrant thread to our shared story. Therefore, we warmly invite you to connect with us, either by messaging us your experiences on Facebook or visiting us in person at our gallery.

4). Embarking on a Journey of Flavours: The Cucumber and Jalapeño Margarita Recipe

Add a twist to your classic margarita with cucumber and jalapeño, retaining the classic ingredients like tequila, simple syrup, and triple sec.

Dear radiant mothers, as we journey together in embracing the joyful moments of your daughter’s wedding day, we invite you to carve out a little time for yourself. Just as how the tapestries of unique, custom-designed outfits amplify the beauty of the wedding day, Neeqah by Adelea wants to lift your spirits with a cocktail recipe that perfectly expresses the elegant balance of our Malay traditions and modern twists.

Join the festive spirit, with a glass of **Cucumber and Jalapeño Margarita** by your side. Drawing inspiration from the delicate strength of a cucumber's crunch to the fiery fervor of jalapeño, our margarita creates a symphony of taste that mirrors the emotional journey of a mother on her daughter's wedding day.


  • 2 fresh cucumbers (one for garnish)
  • 2 ounces of tequila
  • 1 ounce of fresh lime juice
  • 1 ounce of simple syrup
  • 1 thinly sliced jalapeño
  • Coarse salt for rimming glasses
  • Ice cubes

Step-by-Step Guide

1.  Begin by creating the base of your delightful concoction. Peel one cucumber and purée it in a blender until it's a smooth, vibrant essence of refreshment. Remember, the elegance of this heartfelt occasion mirrors the freshness of your concoction.

2.  Next, muddle a few slices of jalapeño at the bottom of your shaker, infusing the shaker with its bold spirit. Allow it to stay for a few moments to unleash its impressions fully.

3.  Pour your refreshing cucumber purée, tequila, lime juice, simple syrup into the shaker. The blending of these ingredients is as deep and rich as our culture, each offering its own distinct flavour to the merry mix of matrimony.

4.  Shake your mixture with the same zest and joy that our music fills the air with, until everything is well combined.

5.  Rim your glass with the coarse salt, as elegant as the beadwork on our traditional apparel, and add ice, just as you cool off the wedding jitters.

6.  Strain and pour your stunning concoction into the glass, garnishing it with a slice of cucumber and jalapeño.

Enjoy this beautiful and bold Cucumber and Jalapeño Margarita, a perfect blend of strength and love, as you share your joy and pride on this beautiful journey. We raise our glasses to celebrate the beautiful mother who's been the backbone of this joyous celebration.

For more heart-filled experiences and discussions tailored to your unique journey, feel free to reach us at our Facebook messenger or visit our gallery to bask in the brilliance of this occasion.

5). A Symphony of Flavours: Kiwi, Cucumber, and Mango Salsa Recipe

An unusual salsa recipe featuring kombucha, fruits, and veggies like strawberry, mango, tomato, onion, cucumber, and cilantro. A burst of acidity and flavors that will keep people coming back for more.

Welcome to the vibrant dance of refreshing and tangy sensations, just waiting to awaken your taste buds with joy. Yes, we are introducing the Kiwi, Cucumber, and Mango Salsa, a dish that brings together fruits so brilliant they mirror the colours of our traditional wedding pallet.

This recipe, akin to the heartfelt laughter and jovial stories shared amongst family and friends on the wedding day, strikes a chord with life's simple but profound pleasures. So, just as the vibrant hues of the floral decorations and echo of the traditional music add to the festivity, allow this color-laden salsa to be the star of your snack table.


  • 2 ripe kiwis
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 1 ripe mango
  • 1 small red onion
  • 1 jalapeño pepper
  • 1/2 cup of fresh cilantro leaves
  • Juice of 1 fresh lime
  • Salt to taste


Preparing Your Ingredients

1.  Gently peel and dice your kiwis, cucumber, and mango, each cube carrying with it the tales of lush orchards and vibrant farms. Similarly, finely chop the red onion and jalapeño pepper, adding the diverse dimensions to our melodious salsa.

Assembling the Symphony

2.  Merge all these vibrant actors in a mixing bowl, as deep as your love for this beautiful journey of marriage traditions.

3.  Shower this orchestra with the juice of a lime, as lively as the joyous banter often shared between the bride and groom. Follow this up by sprinkling salt, akin to the tears of joy shed by a proud mother witnessing her daughter's beautiful journey.

4.  Fold in the torn cilantro leaves with a gentle hand, just as delicate as the intricate lace details on our bridal gowns. Their fresh aroma adds yet another sensory dimension to our salsa, much like the fragrance of exquisite flowers in our wedding bouquets.

Let the Flavours Marry

5.  Allow your salsa to rest for about 15 minutes, so the flavours have an opportunity to mingle and marry, just as families unite in the joyous celebration of nuptials.

Time for Salsa

6.  After the short waiting period, serve your salsa as vibrantly as the colourful stories that lace our culture, partnering it with your favourite chips and witnessing the widening smiles of your guests as they relish the unique taste.

Complete your wedding repertoire with our Kiwi, Cucumber, and Mango Salsa, a nod to the radiant colours and flavours that life offers. As you prepare this delightful dish, may you relish every moment just as you do on the wedding day.

For more details and heartful connections, reach out to us via Facebook or visit our gallery where each outfit tells a unique tale just like our salsa. Welcome home, to Neeqah by Adelea.

6). The Harmony of Flavours: Cream Cheese, Lemon Zest, Dill, and Cucumber Toast Recipe

Elevate your toast with cream cheese, lemon zest, dill, and cucumbers, a step beyond the usual cucumber cream cheese combo.

In the cozy cocoon of a kitchen, celebrate the heartwarming journey of the wedding day preparations with a delicious, simple, and nourishing recipe: Cream Cheese, Lemon Zest, Dill, and Cucumber Toast. Just as every elegant stitch of the wedding attire tells a story, so does this delightful ensemble of flavours and textures.

Relish in the beauty of simple ingredients coming together to evoke complex emotions, echoing the harmonious gathering of family and friends on the wedding day.


  • Fresh cucumbers - 2, their crunch adding a bright, rejuvenating note.
  • Cream cheese - 8 oz, mirroring the cherished bond of family love.
  • Fresh dill - 1 tablespoon, its aroma transporting you to lush herb gardens.
  • Lemon - 1, for zesting, its zesty nature lending a hint of liveliness.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste, bring in the power of extraordinary subtlety.
  • Fresh bread - 4 slices, toasted, the canvas to our celebration of flavours.


Creating the Creamy Canvas

1.  Begin by generously spreading the cream cheese onto your toasted bread slices, the smooth blend echoing the embroidered silk of our extravagant attire.

2.  Sprinkle the salt and freshly crushed pepper onto the cream cheese, introducing a new, layered depth to the simple palate, much like the nuanced beauty of the wedding day.

Adding the Fresh Chapters

3.  Place neatly sliced cucumber rounds, their vibrant crunch carrying the freshness of a morning dew, onto each toast.

4.  Sprinkle the fresh dill as if you are weaving strands of blessing, love, and well-wishes into our story.

5.  Zest your lemon over the ensemble, adding zing and zest, just as the traditional music raises the spirits on the wedding day.

Now your Cream Cheese, Lemon Zest, Dill, and Cucumber Toast is ready to serve, as inviting as the welcoming embrace of our vibrant Malay culture.

Take in the fusion of flavours, as you would take in the joy, love, laughter, and poignant emotions on a wedding day. Trust that, as you indulge in this delicious toast, you are partaking in a timeless celebration of life and love.

For diving deeper into traditions, connections, and heartful stories, feel free to contact us on our Facebook page or pay us a visit at our gallery where we weave together threads of love, culture, and elegance.

7). An Ode to Refreshment: Blackberry Cucumber Collins Mocktail Recipe

Refresh your summer with this mocktail, combining cucumber, mint, lime, blackberries, and sparkling blackberry lemonade.

Like a song of joy warbling in the air of a lively wedding, and quite as refreshing as our Cream Cheese, Lemon Zest, Dill, and Cucumber Toast, we bring to you yet another delight - the Blackberry Cucumber Collins Mocktail.

This non-alcoholic delight is the fusion of playful blackberries and invigorating cucumber, just like our playful wedding rituals paired with traditions that invigorate our spirits.


  • Fresh blackberries - a handful, their juicy richness as captivating as the beautiful wedding gown.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1, sliced, echoing the revitalizing energy of the wedding day.
  • Fresh lemon - 1, for its invigorating juice, evoking the energy of traditional music and dance.
  • Simple syrup - 1 tablespoon, adding sweetness, like the loving words exchanged between our bride and groom.
  • Sparkling water - to top, introducing a sense of the effervescent joy and laughter at our gatherings.
  • Ice cubes - as needed, as cool and refreshing as the morning breeze on the wedding day.


Muddling the Perfect Mix

1.  Begin the creation of this delightful mocktail by muddling the fresh blackberries and cucumber slices together in a glass, releasing their juices and intertwined flavors.

Infusing with Delightful Notes

2.  Add the juice of the fresh lemon, its tangy notes as invigorating as the lively conversations shared over wedding preparations.

3.  Add the simple syrup, each drop echoing the loving sentiments being shared during this joyous celebration.

The Final Flourish

4.  Fill the glass with ice, as refreshing as the joyous relief after a successful event, and top with sparkling water, its effervescence a reminder of the vibrant laughs and joyous chatter filling the air.

5.  Stir this concoction gently to mix all the flavours together, much like the blend of different families, traditions, and cultures on the wedding day.

Savor the Moment

6.  Garnish with a sprig of mint or a slice of cucumber, elevating the visual appeal just as the wedding decorations enhance the celebratory mood.

Sip and savor the Blackberry Cucumber Collins Mocktail, its delicate balance mirroring the observed traditional customs and modern accommodations on the wedding day. Close your eyes and let each sip revive the joy of the wedding day.

We encourage you to share your experiences with us via Facebook or pay us a visit at our gallery to drown in the beauty of our culture's celebrations.

8). A Journey of Flavours: Asian Cucumber Sesame Salad Recipe

An Asian-inspired flavorful salad featuring a vinaigrette with rice wine vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, lime juice, ginger, and honey with sesame seeds for added health benefits.

The delightful combination of crisp cucumbers and aromatic sesame seeds in our Asian Cucumber Sesame Salad will transport you to a realm of timeless grace, reminiscent of the harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary elements on a wedding day.

Capturing the radiance and serenity of lush gardens, the refreshing and nourishing salad offers more than a mere side dish - it embodies the interconnectedness and vibrant joy of our cherished culture.


  • Fresh cucumbers - 2, sliced, their refreshing crunch reminiscent of laughter shared among loved ones.
  • Sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons, lightly toasted, for a warm and comforting nuttiness.
  • Rice vinegar - 3 tablespoons, its acidic tang mirroring the excitement and anticipation of the wedding.
  • Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon, its richness a nod to the depth of cultural traditions.
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon, capturing the sweetness and love imbued in every wedding ceremony.
  • Sesame oil - 1 tablespoon, its aromatic warmth enveloping the senses like a loving embrace.
  • Freshly ground black pepper - to taste, for an extra layer of complexity in our flavour narrative.
  • Green onions - 2, thinly sliced, for a mild, yet invigorating, onion-tinged flavour.
  • Fresh cilantro - a handful, roughly chopped, its fragrance lifting the salad to new heights, much like the scent of fresh flowers on the wedding day.


Crafting the Dressing

1.  In a small bowl, mix together the rice vinegar, soy sauce, honey, and sesame oil. Whisk until well combined, the harmonious marriage of flavours setting the foundation for our vibrant salad.

Toasting the Sesame Seeds

2.  Heat a small pan over medium heat and place the sesame seeds in the pan. Toast them gently, stirring frequently, until they develop a light golden hue and release their warm, nutty aroma. Be cautious not to burn them.

Assembling the Salad

3.  Slice cucumbers into thin, even pieces and place them in a large mixing bowl, mirroring the precise nature of our time-honoured traditions.

4.  Pour the dressing over the cucumbers, allowing the marriage of refreshing and tangy flavours to truly shine, just as the bride and groom's radiant smiles light up the room.

5.  Toss the slices gently to ensure they are well-coated, as if enveloping our loved ones with blessings and well-wishes.

Garnishing and Serving

6.  Sprinkle toasted sesame seeds, green onions, and fresh cilantro over the dressed cucumbers, each addition adding its own unique charm to the vibrant and joyous ensemble.

7.  With each bite of the Asian Cucumber Sesame Salad, let the cascade of flavours whisk you away to a wondrous world of tradition, laughter, and love.

We welcome you to share your joyful experiences with us through our Facebook page or immerse yourself in our gallery's rich tapestry of stories, as vibrant and enchanting as the wedding day itself.

9).  A Celebration of Freshness: Creamy Pineapple Cucumber Smoothie Recipe

Green smoothies can taste delicious. Blend pineapple, lime, banana, coconut milk, cucumber, and your preferred leafy greens. It's a nutrient boost you'll enjoy drinking.

Bathe in the delightful hues of a sunny tropical landscape with our Creamy Pineapple Cucumber Smoothie. Its enchanting blend of fruity sweetness and refreshing crispness is reminiscent of the joyous spectacle of a wedding, brimming with love, laughter, family, and friends.

Just as the rhythm of traditional music and the beautiful ceremony fills our hearts with joy, this smoothie will nourish your soul with its vibrant colours and palate-tickling flavours.


  • Fresh or frozen pineapple chunks - 2 cups, their sweet and tangy flavour encapsulating the vibrant atmosphere of the wedding.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1, peeled and roughly chopped, for a refreshing burst that mirrors the invigorating energy of our celebrations.
  • Greek yogurt - 1 cup, its creamy texture gently weaving together the contrasting flavours, just like the intricate marriage of traditions and innovation in our ceremonies.
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons, its gentle sweetness mirroring the heartfelt emotion running deep in every toast and speech.
  • Fresh mint leaves - a handful, their aroma as rejuvenating as the arrival of the wedding day after months of planning.
  • Ice cubes - as needed, their coolness a soothing balm to the excited nerves and bustling preparations.


Preparing the Cast

1.  Begin by ensuring all your ingredients are ready. Peel and roughly chop the cucumber and have your other ingredients on hand.

Blending to Perfection

2.  Add your peeled cucumber, pineapple chunks, Greek yogurt, honey, mint leaves, and ice cubes to a high-speed blender. The harmonious dance of these elements mirrors the vibrant socialization and colourful performances at our cultural celebrations.

Serving the Joy

3.  Blend until smooth and creamy, and the colours merge together to capture the dance of joy in a vibrant, tropical blend. Pour this into your favourite glasses, just as we savour the delightful array of experiences that a wedding day offers.

Adding the Finishing Touch

4.  You may garnish the smoothie with a mint leaf or a slice of cucumber, adding a touch of freshness that mirrors the rejuvenating aura of a new beginning.

Every sip of the Creamy Pineapple Cucumber Smoothie brings forth delightful bursts of refreshing flavours, the sensations comparable to the joyous ceremony of a wedding day.

As always, we would love to hear your stories. Share your experiences with us on our Facebook page or get mesmerized by the woven tales of love and culture at our gallery. Enjoy!

10). Feast of Harmony: Balanced Cucumber Quinoa Salad Recipe

A filling, balanced salad incorporating cucumber, onion, feta cheese, basil, and a homemade Lemony Italian Vinaigrette. Flavorful and nutritious

Experience the true essence of a harmonious feast with our Balanced Cucumber Quinoa Salad. Much like the deep-rooted traditions and larger-than-life celebrations of a wedding day, this salad brings together a tantalising array of textures and flavours.

The heartiness of quinoa, the refreshing crunch of cucumber, and the tang of a zesty dressing create the perfect symphony of taste, much akin to the colourful medley of emotions that a wedding ceremony stirs within us.


  • Quinoa - 1 cup, cooked, it brings body, texture, and a mild nuttiness to our culinary masterpiece.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1, diced, lending a refreshing crunch that uplifts the spirit, much like the vibrant energy of wedding day celebrations.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 1 cup, halved, bursting with juicy sweetness that brings to life the love and warmth at our gatherings.
  • Fresh parsley - 1/4 cup, finely chopped, its vibrant green and herbaceous flavour celebrating the exuberance of the day.
  • Fresh lemon - 1, for its juice, the tangy cascade of flavours serving as a reminder of the vivacious music and dance at our weddings.
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons, adding a layer of smoothness that mirrors the seamless blending of tradition and joy.
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste, as subtle and versatile as the nuances of our vibrant ceremony.
  • Feta cheese - 1/2 cup, crumbled, its salty tang and creamy texture lend a delightful edge, reminiscent of the delightful surprises wedding ceremonies offer.


Composing the Salad

1.  In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooked quinoa, diced cucumber, halved cherry tomatoes, and finely chopped parsley, creating a medley of colours and textures that are as vibrant and diverse as our celebrations.

Crafting the Dressing

2.  In a small bowl, whisk together fresh lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and black pepper. This dressing is as lively and invigorating as the palpable excitement and anticipation in the air on the wedding day.

Meshing Flavours

3.  Pour this dressing over your salad mixture and toss well to coat evenly, allowing each ingredient to shine and harmonise just like the different elements of the wedding coming together.

The Grand Finale

4.  Sprinkle in the crumbled feta cheese. Its creamy tanginess engages with the other ingredients in a delightful dance of flavours, echoing the joyous dances and merriment at our weddings.

Savour the balance and symphony of tastes in each bite of the Balanced Cucumber Quinoa Salad. Let it transport you to the effervescent ambiance of a wedding, teeming with love, joy, and harmony.

Please share your experiences and stories with us through our Facebook page, or relish the narratives of love and unity at our gallery, as colourful as the palate of this delightful salad. Enjoy!

Delight in the summer with these easy-to-make cucumber recipes for your next at-home meal or BBQ party!

The recipes from:
Cook This, Not That!

Honey B.
Honey B. hi ! my name is honey i like talking about healthy foods, & healthy lifestyle. dont hesitate to visit my blog https://www.foodieaty.com/

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