Sunnah of Sleeping: The Best Quality Sleep

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If you're looking for ways to improve your sleep quality, you may be interested in the Sunnah of sleeping. The Sunnah is the way of life of the Prophet Muhammad, and it includes many practices related to sleep. In this article, we'll explore the Sunnah of sleeping and how it can benefit your health and well-being. - Foodieaty

Sunnah of Sleeping

One of the main concepts in Islam is that worship is not limited to salat (prayer), fasting, or ritual activities alone. Worship, according to Islamic teachings, includes every good action done with the right intentions. The Sunnah of Sleep is a clear example of how sleep, which is an important part of our lives, can become worship when we follow the correct teachings.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW had perfect good morals and was an example for humankind throughout the ages. As Muslims, of course, we must emulate the morals of the Prophet Muhammad and carry out his sunnah.

Some people asked about the Prophet Muhammad SAW's life and daily life, including how the Prophet Muhammad SAW slept. In the book Syamail Muhammad SAW, written by Muhammad bin Isa bin Saurah bin Musa bin ad-Dhahhak as-Sulami or known as Imam at-Tirmidhi, it is explained how this most noble human being slept.

"Indeed, when the Prophet Muhammad SAW lay down on his bed, he placed the palm of his right hand under his right cheek, while praying: Rabbi qini `adzabaka yauma tab'atsu `ibadaka." (O Rabbi, protect me from Your punishment on the day You resurrect all Your servants)."

This was narrated by Muhammad bin al Matsani, from `Abdurrahman bin Mahdi, from Israel, from Abi Ishaq, from `Abdullah bin Yazid, which originates from al Bara bin `Azib radhiyallahu anhu.

What is the sunnah of sleeping

In Islam, the Sunnah of Sleep is a sleeping practice that follows the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu a'laihi wasallam. This is one of the important aspects of every person's life, especially a Muslim. to show dedication to Islamic teachings in every aspect of life, including sleep. More than just physical rest, the Sunnah of Sleep is seen as a form of worship that allows a person to balance the physical and spiritual aspects of his life.

Physical and Spiritual Benefits

The Sunnah practice of sleeping has dual benefits, namely physical and spiritual. Physically, sleeping according to the Sunnah can help ensure quality sleep, reduce sleep disorders, and improve overall physical health. Implementing Sunnah Sleep practices such as reciting prayers before bed and sleeping in the recommended position are concrete steps to achieve sleep that is more beneficial for the body.

On the mental, psychological and spiritual side, the Sunnah of Sleep helps maintain a close relationship with Allah. Prayer before bed is a time to communicate with the Creator, express gratitude, and ask for protection in dreams. It creates a deep bond between the individual and Allah, reminding that every aspect of a Muslim's life is a form of worship.

Perfect Life Balance

The Sunnah of Sleep is an example of how Islam encourages its followers to achieve a perfect life balance between the interests of this world and the afterlife. Sleep is a natural part of our lives, and through the practice of the Sunnah of Sleep, a Muslim can make even sleep time an act of worship that brings one closer to Allah. In this way, a Muslim lives a life that is richer in meaning, maintains a healthy body and peace of mind, while remaining loyal to the teachings of Islam.

The Sunnah of Sleep is not just about rest, but about living life in awareness of spiritual values and the desire to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in all aspects of life. The Sunnah practice of Sleep is the embodiment of balance and harmony in a Muslim's life, leading to invaluable physical and spiritual benefits.

The Sunnah of Sleep is a series of practices taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In his teachings, sleep is not just a physical obligation to rest the body, but also an opportunity to bring spirituality into everyday life. The Sunnah Sleep Practice follows his teachings, which provide instructions on how to sleep properly, which can bring benefits to a person's physical and mental health.

Step 1: Don't eat before bed

Launching Eat This, Not That! Eating dinner will cause excess fat in the stomach, increase blood pressure, high blood sugar, and increase cholesterol. These various metabolic diseases in the body will ultimately trigger the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even stroke.

Eating before bed can also cause obesity, increased stomach acid (GERD), and disrupt sleep quality. However, if done correctly, the habit of eating dinner before bed can also bring benefits, such as helping you sleep better, and controlling blood sugar in diabetes sufferers.

I wrote about a good eating pattern in the Prophet's eating sunnah

Step 2: Perform ablution, clean yourself and bed

Sunnah Sleep practices also include keeping the body and clothing clean. The Prophet Muhammad SAW emphasized the importance of cleaning the mouth and nose before sleeping and ensuring that the clothes worn are clean. This is not only an act to maintain physical health but also an act of worship. Maintaining cleanliness is a fundamental value in Islam and reflects a Muslim's devotion and obedience to the teachings of their religion.

The Messenger of Allah took ablution before sleeping

"If you want to go to your bed, you should perform ablution like ablution for prayer, then lie down on the right side of your body," (HR. Bukhari no. 247 and Muslim no. 2710).

The Hadith of the Prophet above gives us advice to perform ablution before going to bed. If we usually perform ablution when we want to pray, it turns out that ablution is also a practice recommended by the Prophet before sleeping. From now on, friends can ablution our routine before bed.

Cleaning the bed

Based on the hadith narrated from Abu Hurairah, "If one of you is going to sleep, let him take a piece of cloth and fluff his bed with it while saying, 'bismillah,' because he does not know what happened after he left." (HR. Bukhari no. 6320)

Rasulullah often advised his people to maintain cleanliness in various aspects of life. Likewise, when sleeping, the Prophet advised his people to keep their beds clean. If adapted to the conditions of this discussion, we must clean our sleeping area so that it remains clean. Come on, get into the habit of maintaining cleanliness before we sleep.

Step 3: Good sleeping position

The Prophet Muhammad SAW also gave instructions about the sleeping positions recommended in the Sunnah of Sleep. One recommended position is to sleep on your right side, with your hand under your cheek as a pillow. This position helps maintain the body's energy balance and relieves pressure on the heart. Moreover, sleeping on the right side also follows the Sunnah of the Prophet.

Sleeping Position on Right Side

The next healthy way to sleep like the Prophet is by tilting your body to the right. Because the position of the heart is on the left, it prevents crushing. This has been recommended by the Prophet SAW for thousands of years.

In HR. Al-Bukhari no. 247 and Muslim no. 2710, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said to "Lie down on your right rib."

This is further strengthened by the results of studies by health experts. Quoting from Liputan6, based on a study conducted in 2003. And published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology and the New York Times 21 February 2011, sleeping on your right side is safer than on your left side.

This can reduce the risk of heart failure. Because, when the body is tilted to the right, it prevents the heart on the left from being crushed by other organs.

In the past, perhaps many people thought that Islam always prioritizes right, so this recommendation refers to this priority. It turns out that behind that, there are medical effects for maintaining health that are starting to be revealed.

You can face to the right with the wife in the front position for husband and wife couples. So that your husband can hug you from behind.

Put Hands Under Cheek

The simplicity that radiates from the Prophet's healthy way of sleeping, he preferred to sleep on a mat made of animal skin filled with coir. Quoting from Liputan6, the head of the Prophet SAW was given a base as a pillow. However, sometimes one hand is placed under the cheek.

From Hudzaifah radhiyallahu anhu, he said that "When the Prophet SAW wanted to sleep at night, he put his hand on his (right) cheek, then said, Bismika allahumma amuutu wa ahya (In Your name, O Allah, I die and I live )."

Behind the simplicity of Rasulullah, there are medical benefits. It turns out that sleeping with your hands up can create a straight line for your head, neck and back.

And from Hudzaifah ibn al-Yaman ra, he said, "When the Prophet SAW wanted to sleep at night, he put his hand under his cheek." (HR. Bukhari).

"In fact, Rasulullah SAW hated sleeping the night before (Isha prayer) and having (useless) conversations afterward." (HR. Bukhari No. 568 and Muslim No. 647).

Examined from a health perspective, nighttime is a liver excretion to neutralize toxins, so a calm state is needed. If you stay up late, this secretion will not run smoothly as it should. So, over a long period of time, it can cause liver cancer.

Doesn't like sleeping on his stomach, back and on his left side.

The next healthy sleeping habit of the Prophet's style is not to lie on your stomach. Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet SAW saw someone lying (sleeping) on his stomach, so he said, "This is a way of sleeping that Allah does not like." (HR. Ahmad).

Health experts have proven that sleeping on your stomach is dangerous. Medical science reveals that if you sleep soundly on your stomach for a long time, it automatically makes your chest muscles or respiratory muscles unable to expand your chest properly and optimally.

After a certain period, you may experience difficulty breathing. Because the weight of the body presses on the chest and prevents it from stretching and contracting. This reduces oxygen intake and affects the performance of the heart and brain.

The Prophet's next healthy way of sleeping was to prohibit sleeping for a long time in a supine position. Because the results of medical studies show that sleeping on your back can put pressure on your spine, and sometimes it can even cause you to constantly want to go to the toilet.

Based on research by Dr. Zafir al-Attar, sleeping on your back will cause a person to breathe through their mouth. Thus reducing the intensity of breathing from the nose. Even though the nose has fine hairs and mucus that can filter dirt, which is sucked in with the inhaled air.

If you breathe too much using your mouth, you are prone to catching flu. It also causes dryness in the oral cavity, thereby triggering inflammation of the gums.

Step 4: Go to bed and wake up early

It is known to everyone that the Messenger of Allah slept and woke up early, he rarely stayed up late unless there was urgent business that had to be done.

Aisyah ra said, "He slept at the beginning of the night and got up at the end of the night and prayed." (Muttafaq Alaih).

Waking up and going to bed early can benefit a person's mental and physical health. Apart from being healthy, this habit can also make you more productive and greatly increase your body's capacity.

Reporting from The Health Site, here are several benefits that can be obtained from waking up early.

Increase a Positive Attitude

When someone lacks sleep, negative thoughts often appear in high numbers. Based on an experiment, it is known that if you get enough sleep, especially in the morning, positive thoughts will appear and worries will also decrease.

Sharpens the Brain

When someone lacks sleep, there are a number of cognitive processing problems such as attention, language, memory and logic. Working when you're sleep deprived can make you make more mistakes. With enough sleep, your cognitive skills will remain intact so you stay sharp and smart.

Live Longer

Someone who is sleepy tends to do things carelessly and doesn't think long enough so they are quite close to danger. When you sleep enough time, you can prevent bad things from happening so you can live longer.

Maintaining Body Immunity

When a person gets enough sleep, the cortisol level in the blood decreases and improves the body's immunity. This can make you healthier and protected from disease attacks.

Step 5: Read the Prayer

Prayer Before Sleep: Communication with the Creator

One of the main practices in the Sleeping Sunnah is reciting prayers before sleeping. This prayer is a way to communicate directly with Allah before we enter the world of dreams. This prayer contains an expression of gratitude, a request for protection from nightmares, and a request that we can wake up in good condition. This creates a spiritual bond between the individual and God, reminding them that even sleep is a precious time to connect with the Creator.

As the hadith states, "It has been told to us Abu Bakr bin Abu Syaibah said, it has been told to us Waki' from Sufyan from Abdul Malik bin Umair from Rib'i from Hudzaifah he said, "If the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam wanted to sleep, he read : “Allahumma bismika ahya wa bismika amut. (O Allah, by Your name I live and die).” And when he woke up he read: "Praise be to Allah who gave us life after we died, and to Him we will return" (HR. Abu Dawud no. 5049)

The practice before sleeping from the Prophet that we should carry out is, reading the prayer "Allahumma bismika ahya wa bismika amut.". We hope to apply the Sunnah of the Prophet and surrender to Allah SWT with all His provisions. As servants, even when we are about to sleep, we should always remember Allah SWT and always be aware of returning to Allah SWT.

Reciting Al-Qur'an

Read surahs Al Ikhlas, Al Falaq and Annas

From Aisyah ra, he said, "When Rasulullah SAW wanted to sleep, he blew on his hands and read the surahs Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Naas, then he rubbed his body with both hands." (HR. Bukhari).

Rasulullah SAW's healthy sleeping habit before going to bed was to blow on both hands and recite a prayer and then rub it all over the body.

فَذَكَرَ الْحَدِيثَ فَقَالَ إِذَا أَوَيْتَ إِلَى فِرَاشِكَ فَقْ  ٌ ، وَلاَ يَقْرَبُكَ شَيْطَانٌ حَتَّى تُصْبِحَ

Meaning: "If you want to lie down on your bed, read the verse Al Kursi because with it you will always be guarded by Allah Ta'ala and the devil will not be able to approach you until morning," (HR. Bukhari).

Bismillah, if we continue to pray and ask for protection, Allah SWT will always protect us. Reading the chair-verse makes our hearts peaceful and we can wake up from sleep. May we always implement the practice before going to sleep recommended by the Prophet by reading the verse of the chair before going to sleep. Amen.

Reading the chair verse

إِذَا أَوَيْتَ إِلَى فِرَاشِكَ، فَاقْرَأْ آيَةَ الكُرْسِيِّ: {الل َّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الحَيُّ القَيُّومُ}، حَتَّى تَخْتِمَ ال َ يَقْرَبَنَّكَ شَيْطَانٌ حَتَّى تُصْبِحَ

"If you want to sleep, read the verse on the chair until you finish one verse. Then there will be a guard from Allah for you, and Satan will not approach you until morning." (HR Bukhari).

Read the last two verses of Surah Al Baqarah

 َيْلَةٍ كَفَتَاهُ

"Two verses at the end of Surah Al Baqarah, whoever reads them in one night, that is enough for him." (HR Bukhari and Muslim).

Increase Dhikr

As in the hadith narrated from Aisyah R.A which means: "When you two want to sleep, then make takbir to Allah thirty-three times, make tasbih thirty-three times, and pray thirty-four times, and this is all better for both of you than a servant” (Bukhari Hadith Number 5843).

The Prophet always used dhikr all the time and remembered the greatness of Allah SWT. Even before sleeping, the Messenger of Allah used dhikr and praised Allah SWT. If the Apostle was fond of dhikr, then we should always imitate the Apostle's behaviour.

Step 6: Turn off the lamp or light

The first healthy way for the Prophet to sleep was to turn off the lights or make your room darker. This was conveyed by the Prophet SAW through hadith, and strengthened by various studies.

In a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "Extinguish the lights at night when you sleep, lock the doors and cover vessels, food and drink." Reporting from Health, a study by Joyce Walsleben, PhD, professor at New York University School of Medicine, shows that when there is no light, the hormone melatonin is naturally produced during sleep.

The hormone melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, functions as a sleep rhythm regulator, increases immunity, maintains heart health, and inhibits the increase in cholesterol.

In addition, a study in the journal Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. Reviewing that sleeping using artificial light will have an impact on the body's biological clock. As well as triggering excessive expression of cells that are associated with the formation of cancer cells.

The Sunnah Sleep Practices taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW are designed to promote healthy sleep and bring benefits to everyday life. Good sleep, both in terms of quality and spirituality, leads to a more productive and meaningful life. Reading prayers before bed, sleeping in the recommended position, and maintaining cleanliness are concrete steps to maintain physical and mental health and strengthen spiritual ties with Allah.

The Sunnah of Sleep is an example of how Islam integrates religion with everyday life. This practice not only maintains physical health, but also reminds a Muslim of his goal in life, namely worshiping Allah in all aspects of his life. Thus, the Sunnah of Sleep practice produces extraordinary benefits, bringing balance between the material and spiritual worlds blessed by the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Some of the Prophet's healthy sleeping methods should be emulated and applied every night. A simple, very easy step of worship, in order to gain the love of Allah SWT by following the Prophet's example.

This step is not only carried out by Muslims, but is neutral for all, with the intention of achieving health. Healthy greetings and hopefully it's helpful.

Conclusion sunnah of sleeping

Sunnah Sleep is a sleep practice that follows the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu a'laihi wasallam. This is one of the important aspects of every person's life, especially a Muslim. to show dedication to Islamic teachings in every aspect of life, including sleep. More than just physical rest, the Sunnah of Sleep is seen as a form of worship that allows a person to maintain a balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of his life.

The Sunnah practice of sleeping has dual benefits, namely physical and spiritual. Physically, sleeping according to the Sunnah can help ensure quality sleep, reduce sleep disorders, and improve overall physical health. Implementing Sunnah Sleep practices such as reciting prayers before bed and sleeping in the recommended position are concrete steps to achieve sleep that is more beneficial for the body.

On the mental, psychological and spiritual side, the Sunnah of Sleep helps maintain a close relationship with Allah. Prayer before bed is a time to communicate with the Creator, express gratitude, and ask for protection in dreams. It creates a deep bond between the individual and Allah, reminding that every aspect of a Muslim's life is a form of worship.

So what about you, have you had optimal sleep? Or do you have other tips and opinions? Let's discuss this in the comments.

Honey B.
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